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Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health disorders people struggle with. Over the past few decades, anxiety disorders have been on the rise increasing by more than 55% since 1990 and it is estimated that 4.05% of the entire global population has an anxiety disorder. The severity of the disorder and the impact that it can have on the quality of life varies from person to person. In all cases, left untreated, the disorder has a chronic and increasingly debilitating effect.

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Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Speak to our Specialists

Mental health specialists have categorized several types of anxiety disorders that people tend to struggle with. They delineate their distinguishing features, and while the experience and type of discomfort may be similar, the triggers and contexts can differ.

Types of anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Social Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Phobias

Briefly, General Anxiety Disorder is a pervasive feeling of unease; Social Anxiety is triggered by having to engage with other people and feeling uncertain about how to behave or what to say; Panic attacks are intense episodes of nervous system dysregulation that can feel like you’re having a heart attack; Phobias are related to heightened fear of a specific element such as places (heights, Aght spaces), animals (dogs, spiders, snakes, birds), events (flying, driving, swimming), and so on.

The severity and intensity of anxiety varies and can be managed and reduced, even completely eliminated, through holistic practices that help to release tension from the body, improve capabilities of reality checking and build up confidence and trust in oneself.

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What does Anxiety feel like?

For some, the struggle with anxiety can be minor and easy to shift. For others, it can impact various aspects of their life as well as increase other physical health concerns. Anxiety can include perpetual worried thoughts, difficulty feeling at ease, sleep disturbance, and poor eating habits. More severe levels of anxiety can also include physical symptoms such as :

  • Dyspnea (shallow breath or difficulty with breathing)
  • Hyperventilation (rapid breathing)
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Paresthesia (tingling or prickling feeling)
  • Stomachache, Diarrhea or Vomiting
  • Muscle tension
  • Other forms of body ache

If you think you may have anxiety or are concerned that a friend or family member may be struggling with anxiety, seek out help. We also have a free anxiety calculator as a self-reflection tool. You can easily share the results of your calculator with our team of health professionals to get further guidance and support as needed.


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Study finds homeopathy offers similar effectiveness as psychiatric medication for treating anxiety.

Homeopathy & Anxiety Disorders
Consult with our Homeopath

Over-the-counter medications and prescription medications have been used to help ease the symptoms of anxiety. Lorazepam (a benzodiazepine class of psychopharmaceutical drugs) is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and phobias. While benzodiazepine drugs can provide rapid relief to symptoms, “the disadvantages to taking benzodiazepines include: 

  • a high risk of abuse or dependence,
  • sedative effects,
  • secondary symptoms of depression, and
  • psychomotor and cognitive impairment” (Woelk &
    Schläfke, 2010)

Also, with increasing possibilities of dependency comes increasing symptoms of withdrawal after the drug wears off. For people struggling with anxiety, having natural remedy options to provide symptom relief can be extremely valuable.

Homeopathy offers natural remedies as an alternative to psychiatric medication. For example, a study comparing the effectiveness of the homeopathic treatment of Lavender Oil to that of Lorazepam for participants with Generalized Anxiety Disorder found that both reduced symptoms by about 45%. 

Importantly, for both homeopathic treatment and psychopharmaceutical medications, the impact of the treatment intervention was short-term. A comprehensive approach that includes collaborating with a holistic psychotherapist to develop the internal resources that reduce the anxiety pattern can help bring about longer-lasting change towards overall health and wellness.

In some countries physiotherapists have been involved in the treatment of anxiety and other mental disorders for more than 50 years.

Holistic Physiotherapy and Anxiety
Consult With Our Holistic Physiotherapist

Some may find it surprising that holistic physiotherapy can be very useful in overcoming anxiety. Consider that a big part of anxiety is the feeling of overwhelm. Providing contact to the body helps to build the feeling of containment. Though it might seem unusual in mainstream treatments, several countries and non-Western schools of medicine have included physiotherapy as part of their treatment plan for anxiety for more than 50 years.

The body-mind connection is an important aspect of anxiety. For some, for instance, they are first aware of having anxious thoughts, and then experiencing distressing physical symptoms, such as rapid heart rate or distressed stomach; while for others, the sense of these physical symptoms can trigger cognitive anxious patterns. Returning the experience of ease to the body will shift the mind. Several studies on different holistic physiotherapy methods found physiotherapy could result in reduced anxiety as well as blood pressure (Moyer, C. A. et al. 2004; Arz et al., 2018).

It's also valuable to consider the benefits of holistic physiotherapy for someone who is experiencing combined health concerns. For instance, for many people, anxiety is commonly present with other health concerns such as migraines and IBS, both of which have benefited from incorporating holistic physiotherapy treatment.

A comprehensive approach to treating anxiety can provide immediate relief as well as long-term changes in the pattern of anxiety.

Holistic Psychotherapy for Anxiety
Consult with Our Holistic Psychotherapist

Anxiety disorders are not all the same. What anxiety looks like for each person will differ not only based on the type of anxiety they are struggling with, but also their personal histories, the history of the anxiety itself as well as the resources that they have supporting them. 

Anxieties themselves involve a combination of cognitive patterns (thoughts and worries), physiological patterns (such as heart racing, upset stomach, etc.), and avoidance patterns (behaviors that people do, or don’t do, to avoid the experience of the anxiety) all of which have an impact on their quality of life. Working with a holistic psychotherapist experienced in treating different types of anxiety will help you understand your anxiety pattern more, discover the skills to manage the anxiety in the short run, and develop practices that lead to long-term changes in the pattern itself.

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